Stitches in time

Self-confessed #plantlady and landscape embroiderer Aleksandra tells us about her grandmother, who also created embroidered pieces.


A mother of two young boys and living in Bydgoszcz, Poland, Aleksandra is a self-taught embroiderer, though she says that it is something that has been passed through the generations. “There is something in my veins because my grandmother was a great embroiderer,” says Aleksandra. “She has created beautiful embroidered clothes and tablecloths. She was a very talented woman.”

(Photograph: Aleksandra and her grandmother)

Taking up the craft in October last year when she was on maternity leave, Aleksandra created her first few works as Christmas presents for family members. “As a typical plant lady, I was inspired by flowers and potted plants. My first sold work was an embroidered monstera in a black planter.”

Stitching her creations at night when the kids have gone to bed, it usually takes Aleksandra around 10 to 12 evenings to complete an embroidery hoop. But she finds it to be a very soothing activity. “It’s relaxing to my mind and my thoughts. It is a little bit tiring for my eyes, especially when I do it at night. Other than this, I’ve realised that I’m able to create beautiful things that can be great home décor. I am very proud of every embroidered piece I make.”

We asked Aleksandra some questions about herself, and her embroidery.

I love your landscape pieces. Are they inspired by scenes from where you live? 

Yes and no. I've created an embroidered landscape of a lake based in Myślęcinek, the biggest city park in Poland, in the town where I live. I've also created a landscape of the Jezioro Jezuickie lake – a local lake, a few kilometres from Bydgoszcz. Those two were winter landscapes, with naked trees and yellow water reeds. The other landscapes have been created on demand. One was a custom order of a British landscape, made by referencing photos from my client. I've also made embroidered landscapes of a Polish mountain called Tatry and Matier Glacier at Joffre Lake in Canada, but I haven’t been to either. I’m always inspired by nature.

What does the average day look like for you?

My days start at 6.30am when I wake up. I prepare all of the kids’ stuff, breakfast, etcetera. My partner drives the kids to granny and kindergarten. I start my work at 9am, and work seven hours (in Poland we have a law that allows women to work seven hours, and not eight hours each day when they are still breastfeeding their baby, and this is my case). Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, I work from home in my home office – I’m an employee of a big IT company. At 4pm, I go to the kindergarten and take my boy home and at the same time the youngest comes back home with his daddy. At 9pm the kids usually go to sleep, and after this I have some time for me and my hobby, and a little bit for my partner.

You’re a self-confessed plant lady. How many plants do you have?

In my small apartment we have over 50 potted plants, and on our little balcony we have many geraniums, six tomato plants, a little tree and daisies. My plants always inspire me.

plant lady.png

Follow along with Aleksandra on Instagram – @tamborek_po_babci

Location: Bydgoszcz, Poland


A new, creative normal


Self-portraits and alter egos