Editor’s letter: Issue Two

Issue One of The Maker’s Story magazine was shipped across nine countries, landing on the bookshelves and coffee tables of makers and lovers of creativity alike. 

It has been such a joy putting together Issue Two. The pages are filled with wonderful photography and stories told to us from the hearts of the 12 featured creatives.

Our ‘cover artist’ is Elena Zaycman. From her home studio in Saint Petersburg, Russia, she makes stained glass pieces for the home. The thing I love about these is that you don’t have to have a fancy big window for stained glass – just somewhere to sit the colourful pieces. It is such an accessible way to introduce the craftsmanship that we have admired for centuries into the home. 

Another thing that has made art accessible in recent times is social media. Take this magazine for example – all of the makers that feature are found by me on Instagram. It’s a platform that lets artists share their work with the world. But it shouldn’t become the reason for creating, and there are a few things we should be careful with.
A number of the makers inside offer their advice on this matter. 

From glass making to three-dimentional costumes made from paper, there is a lot to explore in the following pages. So I won’t keep you any longer. 

Happy reading!

Cassie xx


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