On the canvas: Jade Fisher

Based on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia, Jade Fisher creates beautiful art pieces inspired by nature. 


It wasn’t until three years ago that Jade started painting professionally, but she’s always been creative – having studied at art college and worked as a fashion designer. 

“I hadn’t painted since art college, so I thought I’d give it as go as I used to love it,” the mum-of-three recalls. 

“After leaving my career as a fashion designer, I was looking to change paths but still do something creative.” 

Though her work today is based on canvases, and not the runway, Jade’s experience in the fashion industry has certainly influenced the designs she crafts today. 

“I always designed quite feminine garments, so I guess that flows over into my painting. I also used a lot of vintage pieces for inspiration and I like to think my paintings have a feeling of nostalgia about them. I think the biggest thing I carried over into my art was knowing what was commercial and what appeals to people.”

Based in Gerringong on Australia’s beautiful south coast of NSW, Jade shares her studio with her husband’s DJ equipment. Here, she uses her computer to do mockups of her paintings to get the composition and colour balance right. 

“But more often than not,” she says, “It changes so much as I layer up the colours and it becomes a bit of an ever-changing, evolving process.”


Gerringong, New South Wales, Australia



StCao Ceramics


Creative foraging