Abby Lynne brings wedding scenes to life on canvas

It took a while for artist Abby Lynne to find a way for painting to become something that she could do while both enjoying it and being able to support her young family. When she found live wedding painting, it was a gamechanger.

Abby has always loved art, and even has an art history degree – but it wasn’t ways such a huge part of her life.

“I never had the opportunity in life to make it my main focus. I had just graduated college, and I had my first born two weeks after I graduated, and then we moved across the state,” says the now mother-of-two.

“I had nothing but time, postpartum depression, post college blues, and no friends in the area. Painting was the only thing that sort of grounded me – art was the only thing in my life that hadn’t changed, so I clung to it.”

As many creatives will know, art isn’t ways a career that comes with guaranties. But wanting to support her young family by doing what she loves, Abby was on the search for something that she could count on financially.

“When I discovered live wedding painting, I thought ‘sounds like something I’d be into’. I was eight-months pregnant with my second born at my first wedding and enjoyed every minute of it.”



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