A colourful canvas

Working as a graphic designer during the day, Anna Egberts puts on her painting hat at night to transform blank canvases to colourful displays of art.


Hello, who are you?

My name is Anna Egberts, and I am new to the artist/arty world! Although I am a graphic designer by day, at night I wear the cap of a colourful, bright and happy painter! I absolutely love bright colours, flowers and coffee! 

I am a mother of two amazing children and live in Geelong, Australia where we spend our weekends in the garden or down the coast on the beach.

Tell us about your artworks. When did you start painting?

I have always been arty and crafty, but I really put on my painting hat in about March this year. It was a way to escape the recent events of 2020, to put my mind at ease and focus on something positive rather than being anxious and stressed. I used to freelance graphic design so I posted a couple of photos on my feed and they got a really positive, encouraging response. After I sold my first two paintings, I decided to keep creating – mainly because I love and enjoy it and if someone else falls in love with it too, that is just a bonus!

Your artwork is so fun and colourful. What’s the story behind this?

Oh thank you! Colour makes me happy – I am not too sure how I would manage life without colour! It just lights me up on the inside and makes me feel content! So, I guess when I started painting this was a natural progression to choose bright, fun colours.

I used to listen to meditation music when I first started painting, and over the months it has become a bit more upbeat. Maybe that’s why they seem fun, because I am having fun painting them. All the paintings I do have a story and an influence behind them, usually happy and fun memories or experiences.


What do you enjoy most about painting?

I love how it makes me feel. It puts my mind at ease at the end of a day. I love the natural progress a painting takes… I often have moments feeling like it will never look good, but just one brush stroke and it all comes together. The other thing I love is seeing the pieces framed. It completely finishes them off and you can stand back and be super proud and think ‘Yeah I did that!’.

Geelong, Australia



Time to get crafty


Anna’s colourful life