At home: The Netherlands

Full of special memories and quiet mornings, Bo welcomes us into her Dutch home.

Hello, who are you?

Hi! My name is Bo and I’m a 28-year-old living in a tiny apartment in the south of the Netherlands, together with my husband and two cats. I work with kids, but I also love to travel, drink coffee in town and do photography.


What does the average day look like in your home?

I really love to take it very slow in the mornings, and luckily I usually have time for that. I’ll start with coffee or tea and some breakfast, then I’ll go to work and when I come home my husband usually prepares dinner. There are many Netflix evenings in this home, haha.

What does your home mean to you? 

Oh, so very much! I’m a huge home lover, I’m so happy when I’m there. It’s warmth and cosiness, that safe feeling. I’m not that stepping-out-of-my-comfort-zone kind of person, I’d just rather stay in the already-known areas. Family, friends and our favourite foreign spots in the world – Denmark, Iceland and Sweden – can also feel like home. It’s so important to me.

What sort of creativity goes on in your home? Can you tell us about the gorgeous little houses you’ve been decorating? 

I found my first dollhouse in the thrift store on my birthday and I got super excited. I then searched for tiny vintage furniture and changed the interior of the house a bit. I also found a beautiful little wooden dollhouse online, which I planned to give a bigger makeover, but I just like the natural look too much to go on with it. I also don’t really want to change the vintage home that much, as it’s very authentic this way, so I’ll keep looking for a different dollhouse to give that complete makeover to. Preferably an ugly one, haha! Besides the dollhouses, there’s also a lot of photography, interior change, music and a bit of crafting going on in our home.

Has capturing special moments in your home always been something you enjoy?

Definitely! Of course I do leave the messy parts out (no one would enjoy looking at that), but documenting our life in general is very important to me. I guess I find it a bit scary that I can’t really control life and time is passing so quickly. Taking photos does help me feel like I can ‘grasp’ life a bit better, I think. Plus I love to just create images that look peaceful and aesthetically pleasing. Our home is actually really messy and full though, so it can be quite the challenge sometimes to capture the calm!

What is your favourite space in your home?

We don’t have that many rooms. But I really do love our bedroom, as it’s light and bright and airy. In both the living room and bedroom, there are huge windows that I just adore. It’s tiny and full, but such a lovely, lovely place to live.


The Netherlands


From ear to ear


The right style