The right style

Being able to call herself a full-time artist was always something Rach Jackson had hoped, but it was a pipe dream. Now she tells us about making that dream a reality.


Like many creatives, life as a full-time artist was just a dream for Australian artist Rach Jackson. She had always been creative, dabbling in different styles and techniques while raising her two now-adult children, and working as a hairdresser for 13 years.

But then she found her abstract style. 

“This time last year I wasn’t creating much at all,” says Rach. “I was feeling a bit lost and thought that getting back into painting might help me feel better.”

Living in country Victoria, just near Ballarat, Rach and her family live on acreage with three dogs, two cats, plus some chickens and ducks. When her son moved out of home last year, Rach was quick to claim his old bedroom as her new art studio. 

“I moved in and built a space for me to create. I have a wall easel which is a really great space saver. I can hang numerous pieces which is great as I tend to work on multiple canvases at once. I put up wall shelves and a pegboard for all my supplies so they are easily reached and everything has a place to keep it tidy. My studio is my favourite place to be!”


We asked Rach some questions about her beautiful paintings.

Talk us through your creative process. How do you start a new piece?

Usually I’ll decide on a colour palette first, but that can change halfway through depending on my mood! I put some music on and turn my brain off and just let it flow. The more I try to plan my pieces, the less likely they are to work out. I’ve learned that by letting go, I will produce my best work.

How long will you sit with a piece until deciding that it’s finished?

Some sit longer than others! If a piece sits there for too long unfinished, it’s usually because there’s something I don’t like about it and it ends up getting painted over. I can usually tell if it’s finished right away, or within a day or so.

Do you have a favourite artwork that you’ve created?

I don’t have an all-time favourite, that would be like having to choose between your children! But there are a few that I look back on fondly as I can see my growth in them.

What’s the first artwork you ever remember making?

I remember being in grade one and drawing a picture of my classroom, taking care to get perspectives right. My teacher was so impressed she told me to go and show the class next door and I felt so proud! I think that’s when I first realised I really loved art.

Durham Lead, Victoria, Australia


At home: The Netherlands


Woven together