
Makers Cassie Makers Cassie

Sara Mohagen on how art can heal

After a health diagnosis kept Sara inside, isolated from the wildlife she loves so much, she had to find a way to keep herself occupied and inspired. She pulled out an old pencil and some paper, and started drawing…

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Makers Cassie Makers Cassie

In conversation with Phoebe Gander

After being diagnosed with ADHD, Phoebe Gander realised she needed to prioritise self-care – for her, this meant creating art. She shares her journey of turning this necessary ‘hobby’ into a career.

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Makers Cassie Makers Cassie

Karolina Wawok’s stained glass studio

The art of stained glass is a way for Karolina to combine two of her loves – art and history. Starting her career making large installations for churches and the like, the pieces she makes today are on a much smaller scale, but still glowing in colour.

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